All posts in: "Sponsor A Grandparent"

  1. Free Cataract Surgical Eye Camp in Mandan Deupur Kavre

    As a part of the project entitled “Promoting Well Being of Destitute Senior Citizens in Mandan Deupur in Kavre District”, a three day long eye…

  2. Nyano Kapada for Senior Citizens

    Reaping Hope (RH) had conducted an assessment in the area for its project Sponsor a Grandparent Phase-II, where it was found that a lot of…

  3. Walk For Nepal Dallas-2017

    Walk for Nepal is a common platform for organizing walkathons in cities worldwide to mobilize individuals and organizations interested in the development of Nepal. It…

  4. A Milestone Achieved

    Reaping Hope (RH) started the Sponsor a Grandparent Project with a sole purpose of helping out destitute elderly, living either alone and/or without sources of…