Bardiya Flood Relief Conducted Posted October 9, 2017 by rhope


The recent flooding in Terai belt of Nepal swept away hopes of many. A total of 1.7 million people were affected by the flood with damage to 64000 Hectars of crop. RH also stepped in to help with relief materials and started a gofundme campaign a month ago. Unfortunately, we were unable to meet the target fundraising through gofundme. Rabin Magar and Leoniek Vaal, our good friends and member of Reaping Hope (RH), who reside in Nazareth, Belgium decided to raise funds personally for RH and called for help with their friends and family. Rabin visited Nepal just before Dashain and the RH team planned for the distribution and coordinated with contact person in Gulariya about the needs. It was seen that the foremost need in the area was food items so we decided to distribute rice, lentil,cooking oil, salt and a bucket. Some of the children in the area got new clothes as gifts from the people of Nazareth – Belgium as well. The distribution was done on the 5th of October 2017. Thanks to all the donors and volunteers who helped us in the relief distribution.
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